Frank Bruni: Trump Benefits by Doing so Many Outrageous Things

‘There’s a gentle way to challenge Trump on that and that’s not what the speaker did’


BRUNI: "But there are -- there are -- you know, what happens here — and I said this before, but Trump benefits by doing so many outrageous things that each one of them slips away quickly as the next one comes along. That tweet that said millions of Americans voted illegally and that questioned the integrity of the -- of the system without any proof offered whatsoever, that was a pretty big and bad moment and it's receded way too quickly and I think when the speaker of the house --"
BRZEZINSKI: "So what --" [crosstalk]
BRUNI: "-- is asked about it, he has to say, you know, 'I don’t want to get into it with the president but I see no evidence of that and I --'"
BRUNI: "'-- wish he hadn’t tweeted it."

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