Newt: Trump’s the First President to Realize We’re in a Global Econ Competition

‘But I think these guys who are sitting around these academic centers are as much out of touch as left wingers’


GINGRICH: "Let me say two things. Trump is the first American president to realize that we’re in a worldwide economic competition. Just like the 50 states are in a competition. These guys yell free trade, have they tried doing business in Mexico? China? What are they talking about? I’ve read Adam Smith. I’m happy to debate the Wealth of Nations any time. And even Smith thought you had to modify it. But I think these guys who are sitting around these academic centers are as much out of touch as left wingers who are spouting off their idea of ideological. Trump is a pragmatist. William James once said that pragmatism was the one unique American contribution to philosophy. What it means is you look at the facts and the facts tell you how to act. You don’t have some grand theory which tells you what the facts ought to be."

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