Muslim Doctor: Obama ‘Failed to Separate the Religion of Islam from the Political Ideology’

‘What I would like to see is the President-Elect Trump to succeed where President Obama ‘

CAMEROTA: "How will you, enlighten President-Elect Trump and now his national security adviser about what they should be saying."
AHMED: "What I would like to see is the President-Elect Trump to succeed where President Obama failed, to separate the religion of Islam from the political ideology, to engage with America's muslims. 3.3 million of us. The whole world is looking to see how America treats the Muslims within her borders and that is a -- it's something you could start off by he's very good at rallies. He's very good at engaging the public. Think about the forum where Muhammad Ali had -- had a funeral. The kind of diverse American community that came together. Multireligious, but also diversity within Islam. That's only possible in the United States."

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