Krauthammer: ‘Obama Is Deliberately Trying to Deny’ Links Between Terror Attacks

‘FDR did not say the day after Pearl Harbor, “Yesterday, a day that will live in infamy, we were attacked by violent extremists”‘


BAIER: "Charles?" 
KRAUTHAMMER: "The fact that the president goes way out of his way for seven-and-a-half years to avoid the phrase that is obviously the most descriptive of the enemy, he pretends he's doing it for a purpose. If it's a magical phrase, will it be, people who are arguing against him, are saying, I think the president said calling it a threat by a different name doesn't make it go away. Of course it doesn't. Nobody implies it does. But deliberately calling it by something meaningless -- 'violent extremism' is a completely empty phrase, no one has ever strapped on a suicide vest in the name of extremism. Nobody dies in the name of extremism. Obama is deliberately trying to deny or to hide or to disguise the connection between all of these disparate acts and groups and if you want to mobilize a country behind you, you need to tell them who the enemy is, why it's doing what it is. FDR did not say the day after Pearl Harbor, 'Yesterday, a day that will live in infamy, we were attacked by violent extremists."

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