Limbaugh on Trump: ‘There’s a Much Bigger Upside than Downside’

‘You can’t talk his supporters out of supporting him’

How is that? 
WALLACE: "Let's start with Mitt Romney's speech this week in which he basically joined the anybody but trump movement. You say that is going to backfire with trump supporters and other voters will see it as the establishment trying to tell them what to do with Mitt Romney listening. Explain what he's missing."
LIMBAUGH: "Well, it's all that and more. And it's not unprecedented. His dad did much the same thing against Barry Goldwater with a cabal of establishment Republican guys. The establishment isn't new. The establishment not wanting outsiders, not wanting conservatives, isn't anything new. Now, Chris, very briefly, I think there's something remarkable happening here that nobody is talking about. They're skirting the issue. For the longest time the Republican party has told us that they can't win with just Republican votes. And that's why they support amnesty. That's why they support the Democrats on many of their issues to go out and get hispanics or other minorities. Guess who's doing it. Donald Trump is doing it. Donald Trump has put together a coalition, whether he knows it or not, whether he intended to or not, he's put together a coalition that's exactly what the Republican party says that it needs to and, yet, look like what they're trying to do, get Donald Trump out of the race because they're not in control of it. It's the most amazing thing to watch this happen. Governor Romney comes along and tries to talk people out of trump, and that's not going to work. You can't talk his supporters out of supporting him. The only guy that will be able to do that is trump himself."
WALLACE: "Okay. Let's talk about that because there is a lot of commentary, and some of it coming from conservatives who say that the Republican party is in it danger of tearing it self apart. We've seen splits many times before over political philosophy, but that's not what's happening this time. This is the establishment, the elite of the party versus the grassroots phase."
LIMBAUGH: 'Exactly. It really isn't anything new. They were this way with Ronald Reagan before Reagan was elected. They tried to deny Reagan in '76 and they tried to deny Reagan in 1980. They're not conservative. You and I hear governor Romney in his speech last week talk about how the Republican party must stand for legitimate conservative values. They don't. That's why they're in the problem -- having the problem they're having. They're not conservative. They're being run by their donors. You look at these primaries so far, do you realize they don't like Cruz either, Ted -- Chris. In fact, maybe they dislike Cruz more than trump. But Cruz and trump are the only guys that have won anything. The establishment candidates in this race cannot get noticed. The Republican primary voters, whether they're close primaries or open, are voting for anybody but candidates attached to the Republican establishment."
WALLACE: "I know that you think that Ted Cruz is the real conservative in this race, and we'll discuss him in a moment, but let's talk about don trump first. How would you feel -- you talked about him bringing new people into the party. How would you feel if he ends up as the Republican nominee for president?"
LIMBAUGH: 'Well, I would feel much the way I feel when anybody is elected. You deal with what you end up getting. I'm not under any illusion, Chris, that I have any say-so in this. I have my opinions. I share them. I'm not afraid of them. You don't win everything. And you ultimately have to take what you get. I think on the case of trump, there's a much bigger upside than down side. A lot of people disagree with me on this but the people who want somebody not of Washington, it's serious this time. It's -- the disconnect between the Republican party establishment anmocrat establishment and the people of this country is longer, broader, wider than I've ever seen it. These people have been telling us they're the ones to fix everything and everything they've tried to fix they've botched. T.A.R.P., the stimulus bill. College education is an impediment because of how much it costs. A college education is no longer a step up. The American people have worn out their patience being told by their so-called bettors that you don't know how to live your lives the right way. We need to arrange things for you so you can do things better than you would do yourself. People think it's the other way around. They would rather invest in themselves than listen to a bunch of people in Washington who do not have a record of fixing anything."

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