Neil Oliver Exposes the ‘Ponzi Scheme’: ‘Inflation Is Caused, Always and Only, By the Printing of Money’

‘Every time they magic up more money... all they do is devalue any money you had in your pocket, or in savings’


OLIVER: “Inflation is caused always and only by the printing of money. Quantitative easing, as they have called it most recently, although dodgy types alighted on the tactic thousands of years ago to keep their subjects poor, is a transparent attempt to disguise a Ponzi scheme, the Ponzi scheme being modern currencies, which is the conjuring into existence of money from nothing, which only banks are allowed to do. Every time they magic up more money, put more of the currency into circulation in whatever form, what they actually do, in fact all they do, is devalue any money you had in your pocket or in savings. This is deliberate. This is why excess money is created in the first place. Just as a for instance, since the creation of the so-called Federal Reserve in the United States in 1913, which is not federal, being a private company run for profit by secretive bankers and holds a reserve of precisely nothing, the actual value of the dollar has fallen by at least 90, if not actually 98 percent. Inflation is the invisible tax, I'll say that again for emphasis, the invisible tax almost everyone has been tricked into not seeing, far less being angry about.”


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