NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell: Biden’s Lifelong Battle with Stuttering ‘Seemed To Be Apparent’ in His ‘Garbage’ Comment

‘And clearly, this is a verbal gaffe that is problematic politically’


O’DONNELL: “Well, I’ve had one my whole life and it has never been more powerful than in a moment like this where what they are trying to say is that the president was referring to the demonization being garbage from one prominent supporter, the comedian who appeared at the Madison Square Garden event for Donald Trump. If you look at about a minute’s worth of the remarks from President Biden when he was speaking to Latino groups last night, that context appears more clear. Also, it’s important to know that the president always has that battle against stuttering, and that seemed to be apparent in this as well. And clearly, this is a verbal gaffe that is problematic politically. The question for voters to decide is, is the president’s intent here to somehow say something critical about supporters of President Trump or was it about the supporters that we know exist, this comedian and others who are demonizing Puerto Ricans.” 

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