CNN: Mike Huckabee and Santorum May Be at Competing Trump Event

‘Two hours is how long it took for him to sell out his competing event tonight in Des Moines’

COSTELLO: “Trump referring to his rival event, a fundraiser for wounded veterans. And this morning Trump says he won’t be alone. Trump tweeting, quote, ‘Wow, two candidates called last night and said they want to go to my event tonight at Drake University.’ CNN’s Phil Mattingly live in Des Moines with more. Good morning.”
MATTINGLY: “Good morning, Carol. Likely those who candidates, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum who won’t be participating in the debate, but have talked about trying to figure out a way to kind of co-op Donald Trump’s debate. We have to wait and see on that. But Carol, two hours — that’s how long it took for Donald Trump to sell out his event, his competing event tonight in Des Moines basically underscoring the fact that all attention is on him. He’s starting to suck the oxygen out of the room and that’s a big problem for some campaigns just four days before the Iowa caucuses. And as you’ve seen, candidates attacking full-throated in the last couple hours. Take a listen.”

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