MSNBC’s Barnicle: Debate Flap with Fox ‘Played Strongly’ into Trump’s Hands

‘It played strongly into his hands the way he handled it and the way Fox handled it’


[clip starts]
UNKNOWN MALE: “Would you turn that microphone off, please.”
REAGAN: “You asked for me — I am paying for this microphone!” (Applause)
[clip ends]
SCARBOROUGH: “That was Ronald Reagan in New Hampshire, Nashua, to be exact, in front of thousands of people.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Including Barnicle.”
SCARBOROUGH: “The moderator, Joe Breen, who is an editor of the Nashua Telegraph began reading the rules for the debate when Ronald Reagan tried to protest. Breen attempted to have the mike cut off and history is now repeating itself. Mike, you were there. And Ronald Reagan and — I remember reading ‘America in search of itself’ which was sort of a Teddy White summary of all of — but he started with that scene and he said for a nation that felt like it was rudderless and in need of strong leadership — that was a defining moment in the 1980 campaign. I find this FOX debate to be history repeating itself and puts Donald Trump in the position now where we can literally dominate the entire narrative for the last five days going into Iowa.”
BARNICLE: “Well, Reagan off that one moment became the dominant figure in those primaries and certainly Donald Trump is the dominant figure in these primaries, and you’d have to think that what happened yesterday with the whole debate flap with Fox that Donald Trump played strongly into his hands — the way he handled it and the way FOX handled it.”

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