Rand: Under Sanders’ Socialism, the Vast Majority of the Public Would Live in Poverty

‘Bernie Sanders has offered so much [free] stuff that it would cost equal to the entire debt that we’ve accumulated over entire history’

MACCALLUM: “So as the Democratic town hall took place last night in Iowa, some Republicans were tuned in and they were live tweeting their dismay. One of the more notable tweets came from GOP presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul tweeting quote, ‘The most important take-away from the entire Democratic town hall will be there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.’ Joining us now is Kentucky senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul. Senator, good morning. Good to have you with us today.”
PAUL: “Thanks for having me.” 
MACCALLUM: “What — I mean, you just heard a lot of what you heard before which is that they are going to solve problems by giving a lot of stuff away, right?”
PAUL: “You know, I think one of the extraordinary things about having a candidate who actually says they’re a socialists is that, for most of our history, we knew that capitalism and a free exchange of goods created our wealth and that socialism particularly under Russia and China was a terrible economic system. But it’s amazing they keep offering free stuff. Bernie Sanders has offered so much stuff that it would cost equal to the entire debt that we’ve accumulated over our entire history to pay for all his new programs. And nearly $19 trillion spending program by Bernie that’s just going to come out of nothing, it’s absurd.”
MACCALLUM: “You know, he has very successful ad campaigns out there. They are getting a lot of attention. Sweeping vision of America with — as a place where people don’t have to suffer through the things like poverty and, you know, through the things like not having a job. Here is a little bit of the recent ad that he just rolled out in Iowa. Take a look.”
[clip starts]
SANDERS: “There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But I believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the American horizon.”
[clip ends]
MACCALLUM: “He’s selling a very hopeful vision. He also had a moment with a woman who broke down in tears, because she said she lives on less than $10,000 a year disability. And these are pulling at people’s heartstrings. And he is presenting himself as the man who can fix this problem, senator?”
PAUL: “I think if you only look at surface and you only deal with emotions but don’t think of what happens under socialism — when you look at Soviet Union, when you look at Cuba, they are terrible economic systems. Their poverty is rampant. In fact, the poor people in our country have always been better off than the poor people in socialized systems. So they have to understand what they’re going to get. If they get Bernie Sanders, they’re going to get disastrous system, that does not distribute goods very well in which the vast majority of the public will live in poverty.”

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