Comey: S.B. Terrorists Were Radicalized Prior to Meeting Online and Getting Married

‘They were actually radicalized before they started meeting each other online’

MACCALLUM: “Soon as we said we have breaking news. In the San Bernardino terror investigation FBI Director James Comey just moments ago speaking to the Senate Judiciary Committee saying that the San Bernardino killers were radicalized well before last week’s deadly terrorist attack. Listen to the detail from James Comey, moments ago.”

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COMEY: “San Bernardino involved two killers who were radicalized for quite a long time before their attack. In fact our investigation today, which I can only say so much about at this point, indicates they were actually radicalized before they started courting or dating each other online. And online as late as early as the end of 2013, they were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom, before they became engaged and then married and living together in the United States.” 
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MACCALLUM: “All right. So, that was back in 2013. They were communicating online. They’re talking about jihad. They’re talking about martyrdom. She’s then able to come to this country. She’s vetted through DHS and becomes obviously married to him and living in California.”

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