Rand Paul: ‘Only Certain Opinions Are Acceptable on College Campuses’

‘I think we need more robust debate’


CARLSON: "A lot of your base has been the younger people in our society. We're watching now this unrest unfolding on campuses at the university of Missouri, Yale and now Ithica. Many demonstrators are using first amendment rights on both sides of this debate including out bursts over an e-mail about discriminatory Halloween costumes. Listen to this."

[clip starts]

UNKNOWN PERSON: "You pretend to love and talk about."

[clip ends]

CARLSON: "The backlash coming after the professor in the room's wife wrote a letter in response to the political correctness warning. Senator Paul, what are we to make of these protests that continue to grow across our college campuses?"

PAUL: "Kind of boggles the mind. Comedians, famous comedians, Jerry seinfeld said he won't perform on college campuses anymore because they have become intolerant and have no sense of humor. I was joking the other day in Iowa and on a ten foot by ten foot platform and joking that I hope I didn't wander off because I was in the free speech of free speech zone. I think we need to have more speech. You met people in college with wildly different views and that's how your opinions were shaped. It was a free exchange of ideas. I think we have gotten intolerant."

CARLSON: "Now it's changed. Another one of your competitors Chris Christie said it was partially President Obama's fault for putting us into this mind set. Would you agree with that?"

PAUL: "I don't know if it's one person's fault or not. We've become overly sensitive where people can't have a joke or have an opinion. Only certain opinions are acceptable on college campus. I think we need more robust debate and really should be this. If do you challenge climate change it's almost like they will put you this prison for challenging the religious dogma of climate change on college. That's crazy."

CARLSON: "All right. Senator Rand Paul. Great to see you again."

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