Ben Carson on Guns: We Can’t Always Assume There Will Be Good People at the Helm

‘I don’t want to see tyranny occur here’

ROSE: "Michael Bloomberg, a former mayor, is also close to the university that you worked, Johns Hopkins, a proud graduate. He has become a very, very strong advocate for gun control. What is it that he doesn't understand that you understand?"

CARSON: "Well, I think we ought to get him to answer that question."

ROSE: "But let me get with you first and then I'll go to him."

CARSON: "What I understand quite vividly is what Daniel Webster said. Daniel Webster said America will never suffer under tyranny because the people are armed. That's what I understand. So I don't want to see tyranny occur here. You know, Adams also said that there may come a time when we do not have good people at the helm of our country. We can't always assume that it's going to be that case." 

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