Scalise: If a Baby Is Born Alive, They Ought To Have the Right to Life

‘This bill deals with babies that are born alive, and whether it’s the result of an abortion, or it’s a normal birth, all people in this county deserve that same protection’

“Thank you, Madam Speaker. I want to thank the gentleman from Virginia for yielding. And I want to rise in strong support of the Abortion Survivors Protection Act by my friend, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, by my friend and colleague, Trent Franks. Madam Speaker, this bill is about standing up for the sanctity of life. Specifically this bill deals with babies that are born alive. And if -- whether it was the result of an abortion or normal birth, all people in this country deserve that same protection, Madam Speaker. Why should a baby that's born alive be denied that same right? Our founding fathers in the declaration of independence made it crystal clear; we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Madam Speaker, the first unalienable right mentioned by our founders, these were not rights given to us by our founders. They were given to us by our creator. And that first right is life. And if a baby is born alive, they ought to have that protection. That’s what this bill is about. It’s about giving that protection that's enumerated in the constitution and in the declaration of independence itself. To say they ought to have that protection in law that if they are born alive, that they ought to have that same medical protection. So, Madam Speaker, when you saw the president come out yesterday and say that he would veto this bill, how extreme can somebody be to say they would not stand up for a baby that's born alive to have the same protection that the declaration of independence enumerates as an unalienable right? This should be a place where we can all come together, a place where we can all agree that we as a House can come together and stand up and give that protection in law to those babies that are born alive. I would hope that all of my colleagues would join in, that we could send this bill over to the Senate. The same debate and agree to pass that on and that ultimately the president would recognize that this is a bill that ought to become law.”

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