Trump: ‘I’m Honored’ Scott Walker ‘Wants to Copy Me’

‘I’m honored that he wants to copy me and he’s a nice man’

STEPHANOPOULOS: “You talked about Scott Walker just a minute ago. And he drew a lot of headlines this week talking about his efforts to try and maybe out-Trump you, one from The New York Times, ‘Momentum slipping away in Iowa, Walker adopts a Trump-like stance.’ The Washington Post, ‘fading in the polls, Walker aims to attract Trump supporters.’ Reuters, ‘in a bid to jump-start his campaign, Walker tries to channel Trump.’ National Journal, ‘How Scott Walker plans to win back Donald Trump’s supporters.’ Are you worried?”

TRUMP: “Well, I’m not worried because his state is really in trouble. I mean it’s a fantastic place. It -- I love the people of Wisconsin, but if you look at what’s going on, they have a $2.2 billion deficit. They were supposed to have a surplus of $1 billion and they have $2.2 billion. There’s tremendous divisions throughout the state. The roads are being built properly. The -- you know, he stopped a lot of work because he doesn’t want to raise taxes. So instead of raising taxes, he’s borrowing to the hilt and the state is very overleveraged. And it’s number 38 out of the states. It’s number — it’s ranked number 38. That’s no good. So, you know, I -- I’m honored that he wants to copy me and he’s a nice man. He was up -- I gave him campaign contributions when he was running for governor. I like him very much. But his state has not performed well. we need somebody that’s going to make it perform well, this country perform well. And I’m the -- I’m the one to do it. I will do a great job. And people are seeing that and it’s being reflected in the polls. I mean Reuters just came out with a brand new poll yesterday, 32 percent for Trump. I mean people want to see real change, not Obama change. He used the word change. His change was a bad change. They want to see proper change. They want to see great change. They want to see our country be great again, George.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: “Donald Trump, thanks for your time this morning.”

TRUMP: “Thank you very much.”

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