Dr. Leana Wen Says FDA Should Let People Decide if They Need Booster Shot Instead of Waiting for Data

‘I think there is actually a pretty straightforward case to be made for why we should be allowing booster shots at this time’


WEN: "Well, I’m looking forward to seeing the data that are going to be presented at the FDA meeting tomorrow, because based on what I’m seeing, I think there is actually a pretty straightforward case to be made for why we should be allowing booster shots at this time, especially for older individuals and people who are more medically vulnerable. There was one of the studies that was published yesterday, for example, that found getting a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine reduces the chance of symptomatic infection by 11 times and reduces the chance of severe infection by more than 19 times. Now some people are going to look at those data and say, 'Hey, I am pretty well detected as I am with the two doses of vaccine, and so I don’t want a booster.' But somebody else is going to say, but if a booster can give me that much additional protection, why wouldn’t I want to get it, especially if I’m older and something that’s a mild infection for some people could actually put them over the edge. We also know that based on another large study done having boosters reduces your chance of having or rather -- being vaccinated reduces your chance of having long-term side effects later on and long-term Covid. So I think I would really rather that the FDA give people the opportunity to make a decision with their physician about getting a booster dose."

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