Rob Smith: Biden’s ‘Ain’t Black’ Comment Is ‘Offensive’ and ‘Erases the Identity of Millions of Black Americans’

‘It erases millions of black voters just because they don’t vote for Democrats’

HEGSETH:  "he was only joking, here with reaction Iraq war vet and turning point U.S.A. Spokesperson rob Schmitt. Rob, thank you for being here this morning. The court is yours. React to the vice president here."
SMITH:  "Well, lock, I am not surprised at what Joe Biden said because he puts his foot in his mouth all the time. And every once in a while you really get the sense and you really — they tell the truth in the Democrats about what they really think about black voters. Remember, Joe Biden said that poor kids are just as intelligent and bright as white kids a couple of months back. That was a gap there and with this gap, the idea that you are not black if you don’t vote for him or by extension other Democrats is so strange, so offensive, so surprising I’m shocked really offended that he said it. To me that erases the identity of millions of black Americans who are black, always be black and just happen to not vote for Democrats. Who just happen to vote for Republicans or to be Trump supporters, et cetera. It erases people like our great John James of Michigan that’s running for senator. It erases our great senator Tim Scott. It erases our great representative Vernon Jones out of Georgia who is another person that switched from Democrat to Republican. So it erases millions of black voters just because they don’t vote for Democrats my message to him I have been black 30 years. I was black when I served in the military. I will be black when I pull the lever for Donald Trump in November and I will be black the day afterwards.

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