John Kerry: There Was ‘Not a Whiff of Scandal’ During Entire Eight Years of Obama Era

‘I believe Joe Biden is the only person who has the set of relationships around the world’

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KERRY: “That’s why I’m here. Because I believe Joe Biden is the only person who has the set of relationships around the world, who has had this unbelievable breadth of experience as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and then as vice president for eight years, and an administration, by the way, which never had a whiff of scandal. And so, you know, to me — and then you look at the head-to-head confrontations around the country in state after state where we might not be competitive otherwise, Joe Biden is the one who consistently beats the President or is tied with him. And I believe that when he becomes the nominee and the party unites behind him, there will be a broad recognition in the country of the difference between the qualities that Joe Biden brings to the table versus the impulsivity and recklessness of our current President."

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