Hannity Panel: Real Circumvention of Law Is Done as Premeditated FISA Probe Is Being Uncovered

‘There are going to be corrupt acts identified by FBI, CIA, state department, and maybe the Department of Justice itself’


JARRETT: “I think you’re going to find criminal referrals out of that. But I also agree with Jason. I think we are going to see several news drops to get ahead over the next two and half weeks. Remember, the Horowitz report is about 500 pages. It’s about the same length as my book, maybe the just copied it, I don’t know. But there are going to be corrupt acts identified by FBI, CIA, state departments, and maybe the department of justice itself. Brace yourself. Impact is coming.”

HANNITY: “So we literally could be in the middle of something pretty amazing. Okay, at the same time, they are now following this Ukrainian impeachment coup attempt with hearsay. The one guy that talked to Trump, saying that he didn’t want and anything paired he said specifically no quid pro quo. It’s game over there. Simultaneously, we are learning about real premeditate of flawed on the FISA. Probably, likely, the outsourcing of intelligence gathering and illegal spying on Americans and maybe even a president to allied countries, all like, let me see, I’m just guessing, maybe Italy, maybe Australia, may be great Britain. They did it so that they could circumvent American law. Is that likely what you think we are going to find out, congressman?”

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