York: ‘Something Similar’ Happening at Dem Rallies with ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants

‘If you remember in 2016, Democrats were very critical of Trump rallies’


[clip starts]
OMAR: "That is why we must build a mass movement of the working class that transcends faith, age, gender, and background. ... I am beyond honored and excited for a president who will fight against western imperialism."
[clip ends]
HEMMER: "That quote got a lot of attention. That's Ilhan Omar back in her home state of Minnesota on western imperialism, stumping for Bernie Sanders. She is in for Sanders, Byron York is here to analyze. How are you doing, Byron? Good morning."
YORK: "Good morning."
HEMMER: "Here's the quote from last segment. That’s why I’m honored and excited for a president who will fight against western imperialism. What is she talking about, Byron?"
YORK: "Well, the scene of the Sanders/Omar rally in Minneapolis is precisely what a number of centrist Democrats do not want to see in the 2020 election. You have a couple of politicians to candidate Sanders, the supporter Omar who occupy the left-most position in American politics repeating phrases most associated with the far left. As you just saw Ilhan Omar said Bernie Sanders will help fight western imperialism. All the while some of the supporters are shouting lock him up about President Trump. If you remember in 2016, Democrats were very critical of Trump rallies in which some supporters shouted lock her up, referring to Hillary Clinton. Now something similar is happening at their rallies."

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