Jim Himes Dodges on If Adam Schiff Will Not Block GOP Subpoenas

‘I will promise to make sure the facts are understood’


WALLACE: "Can you promise, congressman, the chairman Schiff will not block any Republican subpoenas?"
HIMES: "Well, first of all I will promise to make sure the facts are understood. It’s not chairman Schiff who blocks it. Under the rules that were passed, the Republican’s — by the way, this has been true in the hearings today Emma they can ask the committee to approve a subpoena. If they don’t like chairman Schiff answer, they can call for a vote —"
WALLACE: "But it’s a democratic majority. If chairman Schiff says no I’m not going to let you call that person, the Democrats and the committee are going to fall in line. It’s a big democratic majority, they are going to say no as well. Can you promise that Adam Schiff will not block any —
HIMES: "I would say two things about that, Chris. First of all, these are the rules obtained in the house of representatives for 240 years. In the Benghazi hearings, the Clinton impeachment, the minority party can ask for a committee vote and if they lose, they lose. It is a majoritarian institution, so the rules have never said that the minority can just decide to subpoena some conspiracy theorist who believes that the DNC server is in Ukraine.
WALLACE: "Let me ask another question."
HIMES: "These roles have always been in place."
WALLACE: "Let me ask another question. Whether House Democrats release the transcripts, the full transcripts, of all the hours of interviews that have been done with all the witnesses so far?"
HIMES: "Yes, we will, and what the American people will see despite what Kellyanne Conway and others say, they will see what I’ve seen, which is the president’s most ferocious defenders, mark meadows, Jim Jordan, Lee Zeldin, hammering these witnesses in his close hearings and their lawyers, by the way, so what the American people will see will be a process that afforded exactly the same amount of time and access to witnesses to the Republicans as was afforded to the Democrats."
WALLACE: "Congressman thank you, thanks for your time and we will of course follow development in the house this week. Thanks again. Be too great, thank you, Chris."

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