Trump to Yamiche Alcindor: ‘I Know You Like President Obama’

‘I know you like President Obama but it was annexed during President Obama’s term’

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ALCINDOR: "Why would you be making a misleading statement that Russia outsmarted President Obama — "
TRUMP: "Well, he did."
ALCINDOR: " —  when other countries have said the reason why Russia was kicked out was very clearly because they annexed Crimea. Why keep repeating what some people would say is a clear lie?"
TRUMP:" Well, it was annexed during the —  I know you like President Obama, but it was annexed during President Obama's term. If it was annexed during my term I would say, 'Sorry, folks. I made a mistake,' or 'Sorry, folks.' President Obama was helping Ukraine. Crimea was annexed during his term. Now, it’s a very big area, very important area. Russia has its submarine, that’s where they do their submarine work and that’s where they dock large and powerful submarines, but not as powerful as ours and not as large as ours, but they have their submarines, and President Obama was pure and simply outsmarted. They took Crimea during his term. That was not a good thing. It could have been stopped with the right — whatever. It could have been stopped. But President Obama was unable to stop it and it’s too bad."

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