Planned Parenthood Pres. Repeats Misleading Poll as MSNBC Hypes Pro-Abortion Rallies

‘This is a very dangerous time for women’s health in our country’


WEN: "And we know that this is a direct defiance to what the American people want. 73 percent of Americans support Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. And we’re seeing today in our Day of Action all around the country in over 500 communities and 50 states including D.C. and Puerto Rico, we are seeing people rise up all over to protect our fundamental health and our freedoms. And people are here to say that we understand what medicine and public health have been saying. Which is abortion care is health care. Politicians have no role to play in the exam room. The personal health decisions should be left to a woman in consultation with her doctor and her family."

(Via NewsBusters)

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