Claire McCaskill: Don Jr’s Calling Richard Burr a ‘So-Called Republican’ Will Not End Well with Senator

‘Don’t insult the chairman right out of the gate’


GEIST: "You know Senator Burr, Claire. Reliable Republican, in your view?"

MCCASKILL: "Oh, yeah, very reliable Republican. And this is not going to sit well with Richard Burr. Seriously, if you’re getting called by your own party with an investigative subpoena, probably one of the pieces of advice your lawyer would give you is don’t insult the chairman right out of the gate. Yes, Richard Burr is not going to run again and yes, he probably has a little bit more independence, but it’s big that he did this right after Mitch McConnell gave his speech, sending a signal to every Republican, we’re done, that Richard Burr did this, that the members of the Committee went along with it without anybody speaking out. There’s a lot of Republicans on that committee and not one of them, John, I was kind of surprised that somebody didn’t say I’m opposed to us doing this, but nobody has."

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