Holder: ‘I Can’t Understand’ Why People Think I’m an Enemy of Press Freedom

‘I don’t think it’s founded’

ALLEN: “You might have seen James Risen of The New York Times’ tweets that you leave behind a wrecked First Amendment, have been an enemy of press freedom.”
HOLDER: “You know, I don’t — I can’t understand where Mr. Risen would get — get those views. I’ve seen him describe, compare Barack Obama to Richard Nixon, and, I mean, you’ve got to think about that for a minute.”
ALLEN: “But depersonalize it. Take it away from James Risen. This isn’t an unfamiliar criticism to you. What do you think of that criticism?”
HOLDER: “Well, I don’t think it’s founded. You know, I think we brought lead cases, which is kind of the genesis of, you know, a lot of this criticism, where it was appropriate to bring them.”

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