Ed Henry Curiously Wonders About Accountability for the Obama Administration Over Russian Interference

‘Where is the accountability for the Obama Administration?’


KILMEADE: “Over a 15-month period, almost immediately from when Donald Trump went down the escalator, the Russians went after him. They quickly reached out to Ivanka, said, 'Would you like to come to a business meeting over in St. Petersburg?' They reached out to — that was deputy prime minister reached out to her. Alpha Bank had this guy Peter Avin reach out in 2016 after President Trump won. President Putin was really upset that he knew nobody in Donald Trump’s circle of people. He said, 'You better find some people that we can make contact with because I want to set up relationships with them,' and they immediately went over to Kushner. I think it’s also important to bring out that they went out to Kushner a couple of times through other circles, through connections."
HENRY: "Good point, but that's happening in 2015, 2016. Who was president? Donald Trump? No. It's Barack Obama. This is happening on President Obama’s. And all the freak-out yesterday, 'Russia attacked us,' where is the accountability for the Obama Administration?"

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