Kellyanne Conway: Not Only Should Adam Schiff Resign, He Ought to Put up or Shut Up

‘He should produce the evidence that he said he has’


CONWAY: “I was the first person to publicly call for Adam Schiff's resignation as Intelligence Subcommittee chairman several weeks ago on your network. I’m going to double down on that. Not only should he resign, he should produce the evidence that he said he has. He said we can’t go into big detail, but it will come out. If he has evidence on collusion that somehow the Special Counsel couldn’t find over 22 months and $35 million of our money, I want Adam Schiff to produce that. He ought to put up or shut up, the way they talk about Attorney General Barr calling for his resignation. He’s a chief law enforcement officer of this land and he did a fantastic job today laying out a report, but it’s the Mueller report. It’s the Mueller team working with the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General who was confirmed 93-7."

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