Candace Owens: We Don’t Want a Green New Deal, I Want a ‘Black New Deal’

‘Racially motivated police brutality is a myth’


OWENS: “Truth number four, there are 3.6 million black children living below the poverty line, there are 4 million Hispanic children that live below the poverty line, and yet Democrats want us to put illegals first. I say no, thank you. I say build the wall.
It’s actually incomprehensible what has happened to the black community over the last 60 years. I say I don't want a Green New Deal. I want a Black New Deal.
And the good news, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is that actually can be free. It doesn’t cost $93 trillion.
First and foremost, stop selling us our own oppression. Stop taking away our self-confidence by telling us that we can’t because of racism, because of slavery. I’ve never been a slave in this country. Stop telling us we need to be obsessing over our past and we should be obsessing over future and the potential that we have.”

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