Scott Pelley Presents McCabe as Victim After Being Fired: ‘You’re Authorized by the FBI to Release Information’

‘The resulting story said that McCabe had defended the FBI investigating the Clinton charitable foundation after a Justice Department official had cast doubt on that investigation’

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PELLEY [narration]: But if Mccabe had navigated the crisis around President Trump, he would not survive a controversy involving Hillary Clinton. About a week before election Day, Mccabe authorized the leak of a story to the "Wall Street journal." At this time, he was still deputy director under Comey. The resulting story said that McCabe had defended the FBI investigating the Clinton charitable foundation after a Justice Department official had cast doubt on that investigation. 
PELLEY: You were accused of providing information to a "Wall Street journal" reporter because you thought the story the "Journal" was writing was going to be wrong. Do I have that right?

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