W.H. Science Adviser Answers Climate Questions; Touts Free ‘Climate Kits’

‘I use opportunities like this “Ask Dr. H” initiative to communicate about climate change and the strong scientific underpinning of our actions to combat it’

"In May of last year, the Obama administration released the third national climate assessment, the most comprehensive effort to date to assess and communicate the impact of climate change on the United States. Those findings were made widely available through our user-friendly interactive website that was visited hundreds of thousands of times in its first week alone.

The assessment continues to be a great science-based resource for any American who is interested in learning more about climate change and the ways in which climate change is affecting regions across America. In another important step in December of last year, the White House Climate Education and Literacy Initiative was launched with the goal of ensuring a climate smart citizenry in the United States.

Whenever I can, I use opportunities like this 'Ask Dr. H' initiative to communicate about climate change and the strong scientific underpinnings of our actions to combat it. I also encourage people to reach out to their friends and colleagues to talk about what they know.  

Based on our scientific understanding of climate change the administration is continuing to develop and implement a number of policies to cut carbon pollution in America, to prepare for the climate change impacts that cannot be avoided and to work with the international community so that best practices for emissions reductions and building resilience are embraced everywhere."


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