Chuck Todd: Roger Stone’s Indictment Is the ‘First Mueller Indictment that Lays out a Collusion Case’

‘It’s collusion between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign with Roger Stone as the conduit’


TODD: "You know, what’s interesting here, it’s both on the one hand very damning, because it’s collusion. You see it there. And it's collusion between —"
MITCHELL: "Alleged."
TODD: "Alleged -- between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign with Roger Stone as the conduit. This lays out a pretty good case. At the same time, you would ask yourself, OK, if the campaign -- whoever asked Roger Ctone to contact Wikileaks, I guess you can now claim, well, the campaign didn’t know what Wikileaks had or maybe didn’t — you know, they might be able to somehow claim that some detachment, not knowing if it was Russian stolen material and Russian intelligence that they were using. But to me, the scary thing here for the president is, he’s sitting here tweeting no collusion, and I’m thinking, you didn’t read the indictment. This is actually -- this is the first Mueller indictment that lays out a collusion case. Now, again, it’s collusion between Wikileaks and the Trump campaign with Roger Stone as the conduit. We know that Mueller has alleged that the Russian government gave it to Wikileaks. What we don’t know is was Stone, Trump, were they also aware of all of this too. That here are dots that haven’t been connected."

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