Mike Lee: The Flake-Coons Bill to Protect Mueller Tries to Create an Unaccountable 4th Branch of Gov’t

‘I don’t think anything about this latest development also necessarily indicates that the Mueller probe has to last much longer’


SMITH: "This changes things, obviously, based of what we are learning right now, the fact that Michael Cohen is expected to plead guilty to making false statements to Congress on the Russia probe. We are waiting to hear more. We understand he is in the courtroom right now. How does this change the way you and your colleagues look at this probe?"
LEE: "I don’t think it changes anything about how I look at the probe. I certainly don’t think it changes anything about how I look at the Flake-Coons bill that tried to create a de facto  4th branch of government, unanswerable to the president of the United States and operating outside of the separation of power system established by our Constitution. I still oppose that, nothing about that changes. And I don’t think anything about this latest development also necessarily indicates that the Mueller probe has to last much longer."

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