MSNBC Questions Why John Kelly Still Has a Job in the White House

‘In a normal West Wing, the chief of staff wouldn’t allow staffers to steal things off the resolute desk in the Oval Office’


TUR: "But, guys, while the gossip, the backstabbing, the threats of firing leakers and investigating news organizations is nothing new in this West Wing, don’t let the noise drown out the fact that the op-ed and the things reported by Woodward are extraordinary. And they raise the serious question of who is really in charge of the executive branch? In a normal West Wing, that would be the chief of staff. In a normal West Wing, the chief of staff wouldn’t allow staffers to steal things off the resolute desk in the Oval Office. In a normal West Wing, the chief of staff wouldn’t let staffers record their firings inside the situation room. And in a normal West Wing, if any of nose abnormal things happened, the chief of staff would be the fall guy. So our question today, and one posed by Chuck yesterday to Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press is, why does John Kelly still have a job?"

(h/t NewsBusters)

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