Huckabee: Responsibility for Press Death Threats Comes from Overwhelmingly Partisan Media

‘If she is getting death threats which is absolutely horrible and unacceptable, report them to the police’


[clip starts]
RYAN: "It is getting worse, John. It is getting worse. There is collateral damage. ... I'm just put it as simply as I can, I blame the president for this. Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a chance to pull back saying we’re enemy of the people. She didn’t. She just talked about things personally that affected her and the president."
[clip ends]
HEGSETH: "Now she is talking at some level about death threats she received. Of course that is not right and not OK."
HEGSETH: "But it's also OK to make critiques of a very biased press."
HUCKABEE: "Well I wish April -- first of all, if she is getting death threats which is absolutely horrible and unacceptable, report them to the police, let them follow them up and arrest people who are making them. And I hope they will. I do know my daughter has to have Secret Service is protection because idiots like Peter Fonda today, the Hollywood actor, actually tweeted that somebody ought to break into her house and kidnap her kids. And she is getting death threats not just against her but against her whole family including children. So it is a horrible environment out there. But the right way to deal with that is not say that the president is responsible because he isn’t. A lot of responsibility comes to an entirely, overwhelmingly bias, partisan news media that cannot do their jobs, which is to objectively report the news and let the end user, the consumer of the news, make the decision what it means and how they feel about it. That’s not happening."

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