RNC Chair: Only Way We Are Going to Set D.C. Free Is Elect More Republicans and Reject Dems’ Playbook of Resist and Obstruct

‘And then, Democrats will rethink, maybe we should work with this president, because this resist an abstract playbook could not work in November’


MCDANIEL: "The biggest concerns Republicans have going into this midterm is complacency. The party that holds the White House usually loses, on average, 30 seats in the House, going into that first midterm. We need to wake up our voters and let them know that they have got to come fight for this election, fight for this turnaround that this country is feeling. People are taking home more money, their lives are better because of Republicans and Washington. The only way that we are going to set Washington straight and get bipartisanship in Washington, is to reject the Democrat playbook of obstruct and resist and not working with this President. So, we have to reject that and bring more Republicans. And then, Democrats will rethink, 'maybe we should work with this President, because this resist and obstruct playbook could not work in November."

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