W.H.: When Obama Said He Changed Immig. Law, He Was Speaking ‘Colloquially’

‘Meaning that, the, it’s the responsibility of the United States Congress to pass laws ...’

GARRETT: "Tuesday when the president was getting some blowback from the audience in Chicago during his immigration remarks, at one point he said, 'I just took action to change the law.' Did the president misspeak in a moment of a sort of a passion to try to calm the crowd, or does he fundamentally and do you fundamentally believe that he has taken action to change the law?"

EARNEST: "I think he was speaking colloquially that what he has put in place -- meaning that obviously --"

GARRETT: "[indecipherable: off mike]"

EARNEST: "Well, no, meaning that the -- it's the responsibility of the United States Congress to pass laws and it's the responsibility of the executive branch to implement and enforce them." 

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