Jay Leno on Celebrity Sexual Harassers: Can You Imagine What It Would Be Like If the President Acted Like That?

‘It will be the first time Trump has fully compensated somebody for all the work they did’

LENO: "Huh? A guy hits on you, you say no, he does that, and you go, “Oh, what a fool I was!” And how about Harvey? Has he thought — let’s say the woman did change her mind. The man is 65-years-old. By the time he was done with the potted plant, sweetheart, you’re going to have to come back tomorrow, you know. Okay? But hey — you don’t say. Luckily — luckily, those are just media types and Hollywood people. Can you imagine what our country would be like if the president of the United States acted like that? Oh, my — As you know, President Trump allegedly paid a porn star — paid a porn star $130,000 to cover up their affair. If that turns out to be true, it will be the first time Trump has fully compensated somebody for all the work they did".

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