Jim Jordan on Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending Bill: Not What American People Had in Mind When They Put GOP in Power

‘My read is it’s a bad piece of legislation based on what we’ve been told’

CAVUTO: "This other alert at the corner of wall and broad. In other words, just the swing we had of close to 200 points has a lot to do with the new chairman of the federal reserve. He said things are good. Interest rates went up, stocks went down. More on that. Meantime, house freedom caucus member, sinjin Jordan with more on Capitol Hill, to come up with something to avoid the government from shutting down. More hinting of that possibility late Friday night. Very good to have you, congressman. Your read of this, Jim Jordan, is what? It’s going to happen or what?"
JORDAN: "My read is it’s a bad piece of legislation based on what we’ve been told. We have not seen the bill. A $1.3 trillion spending bill that they’re talking about. We have not seen the details of the legislation. We’re supposed to vote on it tomorrow? That’s probably not the way the American people want to do business and not what they elected us to do. My big concern is not the shut down. My bigger concern is we’re continuing to bankrupt the country. This bill will lead to a trillion dollar deficit this fiscal year."

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