Scarborough: Historians Will Lump Barack Obama and George W. Bush Together

‘I will be glad to take bets from anybody across America’

BRZEZINSKI: “A lot of it is the optics of what they’re already doing, being channeled appropriately. Perhaps that’s one of his great strength, strategizing and also trying to make the different departments work together. I get it. But I -- it was just interesting to see them line up -- the criticism --"[crosstalk]

SCARBOROUGH: “But I don't think --"

BRZEZINSKI: “This is what we've seen throughout this entire presidency, just pot shots right and left.

SCARBOROUGH: “I don't think it's a pot shot to say Barack Obama --"[crosstalk]

BRZEZINSKI: “All the time, everything he does.”

SCARBOROUGH: “No, I don't think it's pot shots to say Barack Obama has serious leadership challenges that historians -- Look, you have the grimmest face. I guarantee you, I will be glad to take bets from anybody across America, if I took bets. Historians are going to be writing and they are going to be lumping together George W. Bush and Barack Obama as two people that don't –-“[crosstalk]

WARREN: “History will serve Barack Obama very, very well.”

BRZEZINSKI: “I agree.”

WARREN: “Very, very well."

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