Byron York: The Intel Community Is Doing More Now to Combat Russian Meddling Than They Did in 2016

‘I think it’s probably true that the American intelligence community is doing more now to combat these Russian efforts since we know about them than they were doing in 2016’


YORK: "This is a huge question that is beginning to bubble up now. We saw it at the questioning of a number of intelligence chiefs the other day when senator Reid, the Democrat asked them all has President Trump specifically assigned you, tasked you with stopping interference now? The Russians we believe will try to influence the 2018 election like they tried to do in 2016. And the intelligence chiefs couldn’t say much. They said the president hadn’t specifically directed this but it became clear they’re doing a lot of stuff. And I think it’s probably true that the American intelligence community is doing more now to combat these Russian efforts since we know about them than they were doing in 2016."

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