New Yorker’s Sorkin Suggests John Kelly’s Racist for Not Being Tougher on Porter

‘You have to wonder, does he see people and think that certain types of people, certain backgrounds who look a certain way matter more than others’


VELSHI: “Right, Rob Porter, Harvard graduate, a missionary, a road scholar. You write this in your story, you said, 'Is it that people like Frederica Wilson, the DREAMers and Porter’s former wives never come into view for him?' And I think this is an important question to ask.”

SORKIN: “You have to wonder, does he see people and think that certain types of people, certain backgrounds who look a certain way matter more than others or have certain roles? And if they are not in those roles he takes offense, in the case of Wilson perhaps. And you wonder who he doesn’t see at all. So I wondered, as I was looking at those cases, what John Kelly sees when he looks at Donald Trump. There is this idea that in managing the Trump White House, he would be clear-eyed, he would know when the President had gone too far, he would know when the President needed to be reined in. Does he know? Does he or does he see a president who is doing what — you know, who ought to be who he is.”

VELSHI: “I think he is a man who is a slightly less disciplined version of himself. They share some interesting ideas. I think this article is well worth the read. Thank you, Amy.”

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