Kerry: Assad Used Chlorine Gas on Syrian Rebels, and We’re Working on That

‘Chlorine is not a required declared material’

KERRY: "We actually accomplished something historic to many people's skepticism about his possibilities and that is that all of the declared prohibited chemicals under the convention have been removed and destroyed. All of them. That has never happened, particularly in a time of conflict in any country in the world, and I am very proud of the effort made by the folks who are arriving today in Virginia on the Cape Ray, maritime marine, and the navy and other folks who were all involved in helping to achieve that goal."

ROS-LEHTINEN: “If I may, Mr. Secretary. So when Samantha Power says, there are discrepancies and omissions --"

KERRY: "I was just going to come to that. She's right. That's declared materials. Chlorine is not a required declared material and we also have some questions about couple of other items. Those are being prosecuted or being pursued within the process. And indeed, we believe there is evidence of Assad's use of chlorine. But when you use it, despite on not being on the list, it is prohibited under the chemical weapons convention. So he's in violation of that agreement and we believe and we are proceeding to do things to all of that."


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