MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry: The Rise of ISIS Is the Fault of Post-WWI Europeans

‘We go back and talk about an Ottoman Empire as though it was about Islam’

MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry Blames ISIS Atrocities On People Thousands of Miles Away (Independent Journal Review)

MSNBC host Melissa Harry-Perry has an interesting theory about why ISIS was able to rise to power and become the barbaric organization we see today: it’s the fault of post-WWI Europeans.

Moreover, Harris-Perry says ISIS has “lured us” into a conversation about “religious identity” instead of (correctly) one about “geopolitical strategy.”

As a consequence, she says:

“We talk about the “Ottoman Empire” instead of what happened in a “post-WWI world where peoples were divided by [white] European nations in a way that makes them difficult to govern and so authoritarianism emerges…”

Or something.

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