Peggy Noonan: The Mueller Report Being Conducted ‘Patriotically,’ Will ‘Bring Things Together’

‘At the end of the Mueller probe, people understand it was done not in a show-biz way, in a dramatic way, in a get-Trump way, in a the-swamp-hits-back way, but it was done soberly, patriotically’

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TODD: Do you think we can bring the country back together before the Mueller probe ends? I mean, I don’t, Peggy. I feel like that sits out there almost as a wet blanket on that issue.
NOONAN: I think if at the end of the Mueller probe, people understand it was done not in a show-biz way, in a dramatic way, in a get-Trump way, in a the-swamp-hits-back way, but it was done soberly, patriotically, in a kind of moderate way, where you’re not looking to do dumb stuff. You’re doing really serious stuff. And they come up with serious conclusions and a serious report. It’ll come to be respected and that’ll bring things together on this issue.
ROBINSON: Uh-huh (AFFIRM). Right.
NOONAN: On this issue alone.

TODD:Okay. On this issue alone.

ROBINSON: There are other issues.
TODD: Well, those other issues, we’re going to get to in a bit. When we come back, actually ... word that the former head of the Democrat party wanted to dump the Clinton/Kaine ticket as late as last September. I’m going to talk to the current chairman of the D.N.C., Tom Perez, about that and more. But as we go to break, on this 70th anniversary, a look back at the moderators of Meet the Press over the years.

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