Dickerson: The Russian Facebook Ads Seem To Be Too ‘Small’ to ‘Influence the Election’

‘Is anybody saying they had any influence on the election that changed the outcome in any possible way”‘


SCHIFF: "Yes. Russian implication they use these to amplify misinformation or slanted but far broader is this in our society's interests to create these informational silos."
DICKERSON: "What is the impact of these Russian Facebook ads? Is anybody saying they had any influence on the election that changed the outcome in any possible way, seems a small amount to have done anything like that.
SCHIFF: "First of all that small amount is only what Facebook has thus far confirmed came directly out of Russia. They acknowledged that they haven't looked or analyzed or completed a report yet on advertising Russia may have done through third countries. Russia wile less proxies and caucuses or other parts of Europe to potentially buy ads or amplify misinformation. That is just one platform they were using, nothing to do with the Russian use of bots on Twitter. If you look at the full extent of Russian use of social media, was it in any way decisive, determinative, hard to say bus we really have so little information thus far about the extent of Russian use of social media."

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