Barnicle: McCain Symbolizes ‘Honor and Character’

‘John McCain has always symbolized character and honor’


BARNICLE: "Joe, what you just were referring to is called character. And there’s a lot less of character than there used to be in the United States Senate, probably in life itself. John McCain has always symbolized character and honor. I’ve been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with him over the course of the years, I’ve actually been to the Hanoi Hilton and stood in the small sheltered 6x6 area where he spent seven years as a prisoner of war that you just alluded to. My memories of covering politics and political campaigns stretches a long way back, but it would be hard to talk the late fall/early winter of 1999/2000 when John McCain in New Hampshire was running in the presidential primary there. He electrified audiences. He became a cult figure. It was the most open and honest campaign in terms of access to the candidate that I have ever encountered." 

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