Ford Jr.: Republicans Feel More Fortified & Will Stand with Trump on Health Care

‘Republicans feel more fortified and will have the courage to stand with this president on health care and the economic message’


FORD JR.: ”It changes the calculus on two fronts. One, Republicans now feel more fortified and will have more courage to stand with this president on matters that are serious to the overall Republican agenda, health care and the economic message. Two, Democrats, we have to leave this Progressive thing alone as aggressively as we're dealing with it. There's no doubt, as Mika and Joe and others have said, it brings people together. But if this message alone would carry us to victory, we'd have a majority in the House and the Senate. This nonsense that Democrats talked about after the ‘16 election  that Hillary Clinton won by more than 3 million votes, the popular votes, that means we're popular in most of the country, nothing. It would have meant something if we had won more governor seats, more House seats, more Senate seats. In fact, we all know that membership of the Democrats in the House and Senate is as small as it’s been in the House in almost a hundred years. We need to change."

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