Jim Himes: I Agree with Half of Trump’s Policy on North Korea and I Have Concerns About the Other Half

‘We’ve got to be very careful that the presence of our aircraft carrier or some of the more aggressive rhetoric doesn’t force this unpredictable mad man who runs North Korea to launch an attack on either Seoul or our troops’


HIMES: "Yeah. I really do, and — and I — I sort of agree with how half of the president’s policy and I have concerns about the other half. The idea that really pushing China hard to do what is very much in the Chinese government self-interest which is to keep things stable in North Korea, to not allow conflict to break out and not have a situation where you’ve got a ton of U.S. Military in the area. That’s very much in the Chinese self-interest so really pushing China which has North Korea on a very short leash is the alternative to something which is a far uglier outcome which, of course, would be a military conflict and, you know, you hear that there’s air operations and everything else and maybe that goes with the Chinese to squeeze the negotiations and you’ve got to remember, wolf, that there’s 10 million south Koreans in Seoul, our ally, who are within or tillity range of a mad man and there’s 30,000 United States troops who are in the dmz, so I like that frump is sort of saying the Chinese really have to step up here but we’ve got to be version very careful that the presence of our aircraft carrier or some of the more aggressive rhetoric doesn’t force this unpredictable mad man who runs North Korea to launch an attack on either Seoul or our troops."

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