Kasich: ‘Kind of Hard for Me to Believe’ Trump as President

‘The debate stage ... that’s the dumbest way to pick a president’

MATTHEWS: “Last thing on Trump, can you imagine him as president? Can you think of him up there on the stand of the west front of the cab becoming president of the United States?”
KASICH: “It’s kind of hard for me to believe.”
MATTHEWS: “Is it? Are you with President Obama on that that he’ll never be president?”
KASICH: “I just don't think -- Chris is such —“[crosstalk] 
MATTHEWS: “He can’t be president.”
KASICH: “That’s right. That’s right. I think what I believe is going to happen is I think little by little as the debate stage shrinks, it’s not just the debate stage, that’s the dumbest way to pick a president. We've got the debate, OK, tell me the history of the world, go. You have 30 seconds. It’s ridiculous. But I think the ground game, the town halls, you know, raising money, having a positive message, I just believe it’s going to work.”

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