Ayman: ‘Boogeyman Narrative’ of ‘Outside Agitators’ Is Designed to Delegitimize an Entire Movement

‘Distracting from the primary aim which is to bring attention to the war in Gaza’


MOHYELDIN: “One Barnard College student explained to NBC News why she thought officials were pushing this outsiders trope. Quote, 'I really struggle a lot with the whole narrative of outside agitators because I see it as a means through which to justify violence. And to claim that because individuals are not students, they are deserving of police brutality.' Blaming unnamed outside actors also accomplishes another goal: distraction — distracting from the protesters' primary aim, which is to bring attention to the war in Gaza. We should call out this bogeyman narrative for what it really is: an effort to discredit, delegitimize and marginalize an entire movement. And honestly, it isn't anything new in this country. This same outside agitator trope was frequently evoked during the Civil Rights Movement, used to imply that protesters were driven by the sinister agendas of unknown shadowy figures, as opposed to being motivated by their own personal beliefs and concerns.”

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